Womens 1st XI
Sat 06 Oct 2018  ·  Premier Division
Blackheath &  Elthamians H C
Womens 1st XI
Kings Alleyns Ladies' 2nd XI
BEHC 1st XI 5 – 0 King’s Alleyns 2nd XI

BEHC 1st XI 5 – 0 King’s Alleyns 2nd XI

Katie Petherbridge8 Oct 2018 - 10:08
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A convincing win in torrential rain

Ladies 1st XI played King’s Alleyns 2nd XI at home on Saturday in a game that resulted in a convincing BEHC win over a determined side in testing weather conditions.

A subdued start to the day was soon rectified by team talks from Jen, Laxman and Kate; and a fortuitous find on the warm-up run got us braving the elements to work on our ball possession.

We had first push back and got off to a shaky start, putting in a few errant passes but maintaining good possession overall. A combination of clean tackles, switching around the back and good movement off the ball – plus a bit of patience – saw play settle and things start to go our way.

Three goals in quick succession came from Jenna (quick reactions to a ball straight in from Vicky), Vicky (lifted ball from near the edge of the D) and Jilly (a well-worked short corner). As the goal tally increased, our confidence grew.

The half-time whistle was a welcome one as the standard of passing had started to slip – let’s blame it on the weather – and George’s “leave it” was taken literally, by the entire BEHC side.

After a great half-time team talk, fuelled by orange halves, we started the second half with renewed intensity.

A number of short corners in both Ds saw excellent attacking moves and good clearance from defence, with George forcing opposition errors in her debut at right post. A confident performance from goalie Sarah saw her launch off the line to make a crucial sliding tackle and then bat the ball away from the top left corner.

Excellent on-pitch communication from Sarah, Sue up front and Ceri at the back as Kate rested her *very sore* wrist and saved her legs for the Oxford half. Sideline support from coaches Jen and Laxman, baby-whisperer Sue and the Men’s 1st XI.

Second half goals from Jenna (lifted over the keeper) and MoM George with some clever off the ball manoeuvring (“I was just standing there”).

King’s fought back with some good interlinking play but ultimately lost their grip on the game in much the same way as Sally lost grip of her stick; taking out the King’s centre-mid with a throw Fatima Whitbread would be proud of.

A convincing win despite two disallowed goals. Great movement, positive chat and good pace resulted in a brilliant team performance.
Other highlights included Beth’s hands being so cold she didn’t notice breaking one, Kate keeping the umpire on side, Meg not knowing where to take a 16 from and Ceri calling for a whiskey 10 minutes into the second half.

Final score 5 – 0 to BEHC. ‘Away’ match vs. BEHC 2nd XI next week promises to be a crowd-pleaser.

Goal scorers:
Jenna x 2

MOM: George (goal scoring, great runs and passing down the line)
DOD: Sally (for weaponising her stick)

Match details

Match date

Sat 06 Oct 2018



Meet time



Red kit


Premier Division

League position

Blackheath & Elthamians Ladies 1s
Kings Alleyns Ladies' 2nd XI
Team overview
Further reading